この度、持続可能で幸せな未来へ向かう日本の動きを、世界へ発信する ジャパンフォーサステナビリティでプレゼントツリーを御紹介いただきました!
これから取り組む 広野わいわいプロジェクト に関連して、また、プレゼントツリー熱海の森 から始まった「アーバン・シード・バンク プロジェクト」についても、日英で執筆いただきました。
プレゼントツリー 記念樹の森づくりが、都市と地域をつなぐ
「プレゼントツリー」は、認定NPO法人 環境リレーションズ研究所が2005年1月に始めた取り組みです。「人生の記念日に樹を植えよう!」を合言葉に、大切な人や自分自身のために記念樹を植えて、森林再生と地域振興につなげます。・・・・・・・・続きはこちらから。
‘Present Tree’ Initiative: Creating Forests by Planting Commemorative Trees Linking Urban and Rural Districts
In the last newsletter, we introduced the Hirono Wai-Wai Project as an initiative to accelerate reconstruction efforts in areas stricken by the Great East Japan Earthquake by promoting interaction with people from outside the town.
Hirono Wai-Wai Project to Accelerate Recovery of Disaster-Stricken Areas
In this issue, we introduce the Present Tree initiative, implemented as part of the Hirono Wai-Wai Project. In this project, forests are created in which many people from Hirono and elsewhere can gather. These forests are to be located in the disaster-prevention green space, the plans for which are underway. The mechanism of the Present Tree initiative is being used to rejuvenate the town. By having people from outside the town participate in planting and acting as foster parents of the planted trees, the initiative can generate long-term ties between people living inside and outside the town.
What is the ‘Present Tree’ Initiative?
The Present Tree initiative was started by the Japanese certified non-profit organization Environmental Relations in January 2005. The initiative promotes forest restoration and regional development by planting commemorative trees for people’s loved ones or for themselves under the slogan of “Let’s plant trees to commemorate our lives!”・・・・・・・・・